Team 4 Bim

Team 4 Bim

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Case summary:

Team4bim company provides architectural services for the Lithuanian market. Not all search marketing is focused on your end consumer. Some brands, like Team4bim, need to reach highly specialized audiences through SEO, while our expert team took over their SEO efforts.


This Team4bim  architectural services provider company needed to make sure more mainlanders had access to their beach getaway. They asked ORM Digital Solutions to run an SEO campaign to drive more customers to their short and long-term rentals.


Our SEO specialists got to work researching keywords, fixing backend development errors, optimizing copy, building links, and so much more. We run reports bi-monthly to ensure progress is being made for all of our clients, and if you look at the results section for this client, you can see that our attention to detail paid off.


Posted on

November 13, 2021

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